Modernized your project with BR Code™

Wednesday, April 17, 2024
BR Code™ is an innovative line of scannable adhesive tape and label products crafted to connect digital information and media to physical places, with access to “live” information via an easy-to-use mobile app.
Transform your workplace with BR Code™ technology!  As the winner of the 2023 Occupational Health & Safety New Product of the Year Award, this innovative solution is revolutionizing traditional safety practices. It eliminates the need for outdated paperwork by leveraging modern technologies. With scannable labels, BR Code™ swiftly and securely connects physical locations to critical digital information, enhancing efficiency and safety.

Here are a couple use cases:
• Tool Accountability - Automate who takes a tool, track location, and return times. Simply tag materials with BR Code tapes and labels to track their location on a map and update their status.
• Material Tracking - Automate tool tracking, location, and return times. Simply tag materials with BR Code tapes and labels to track their location on a map and update their status.
• Equipment Inspection - Use BR Code tapes or labels to tag safety gear and machinery. Access forms via BitRip app for daily/monthly safety checks. Set reminders with BitRip for upcoming inspections.
• Safety Records - Create a private system for personal safety data using labeled items like hardhats. Scan the item to access a roster showing team members' training completion, certifications, and personnel documents.
• Recording Equipment Issues - Attach a voice memo detailing the issue, enabling maintenance workers to scan the tape, listen, and resolve the problem.
• Training - Improve onboarding with video tutorials or digital checklists to teach new recruits equipment usage and proper storage procedures.

PXL BR Heavy Duty Permanent Scannable Label Duck Pro®
PSL BR Permanent Scannable Label Duck Pro®
PC 627 BR Scannable Duck Tape Codes Duck Pro®
FL 227 BR Scannable Paper Tape Codes Duck Pro® 
